So begins a new year in my life. Thinking of life this time last year.....I realized how much has changed. In my twentieth year I grew spiritually, I learned new lessons, re-learned old lessons, gradually said good-bye to certain areas of my life. I grew up.
Moving out has been a natural feeling. I wondered if I would be homesick..... I was terribly afraid my 'on-my-own' experience was going to be like the first time I went to summer camp at age 7. I cried myself to sleep a week straight, was terrified of my camp counselor, my lips became chapped beyond recognition, and I just knew my house was going to burn down while I was gone and kill my entire family and I would become an orphan.
Again I reiterate, I was a morbid, worry-wort of a little girl.
But I survived camp and my family is still alive and kicking.
Moving out has been a smooth-transition, that I know was meant by God. Yes, I have had a few 'I want my mommy,' moments, but I know the time is right, and I have started making a place for myself in this world. I have to say how blessed I am to have loving parents that are close by, that I can go home to whenever, that are encouraging and supportive. They are just plain awesome!
I think I have the best-looking parents in this entire world!
All these pictures were taken by Alyssa Welch when we were at the Gulf. What an amazing person she is! It was so great to meet her in person...let alone have her take our pictures!

I love my dad. He's so manly.

My birthday was relatively quiet. Went over to Mom and Dad's. Had a great meal and conversations. I had to work on my actual birthday.....which was a first....but I was able to take a long lunch break and go out with Mom and Hannah.

My bathroom with my birthday presents!
Yes, it is kind of weird taking pictures of your bathroom and sharing them on the web, but it is so fun to look at everything around you and have the feeling of ownership. This drawer set I got at Target makes me pretty happy.

Last night, us girls went out to celebrate my birthday.

Yes.....and I didn't get carded...I was a little disappointed.
So, here's to my twenty-first year of living! Cheers!
That was great Lid!
Why do I look so freakin' dark in that picture? Kind of weird. :p
Cheers to a new year! ;) is better than looking as white as I do!! :)
I had a blast on your 21st, Lid! I hope you have an amazing year! Love you!
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