Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jolly-Good Holiday

That was my agenda for the past week.
Nothing. Except lay on the beach and eat food.
I laid on the beach for so long that on the last day of vacation I actually woke up and my first thought was, "Not again!" :)
I like the beach, but I can tolerate sand and salt-water for only so long.
I needed this time away badly.
I was able to get a new perspective on my life.
Cheesy but true!
I love to plan...always thinking of the future...which is good.
To a point.
It is not good when you are constantly worrying and not trusting God. On vacation, I found myself already looking past vacation and becoming anxious about what was going to happen about this and that after I got home.
Worrying, anxiousness, anxiety.
I never seem to learn my lesson about these!
I am so stubborn and am thankful that the Lord patiently reminds and teaches me.
Recently, God has placed a few circumstances in my life that has forced me not to be able to do anything but trust Him in faith.
He has reminded me (again) that He is in control of my life.
Not me.
I felt like on vacation, God was showing me that my worrying about the future, which is completely out of my control, will only make me miss out on God's grace for my present circumstances. I want to live every day for Christ, and if I am constantly looking at the horizon with concern, my life will pass me by. I don't want to miss out on receiving Jesus' blessings for the season I am in right now.
I don't want to look at the perfume bottle half-empty but half-full.
God's mercies are new every morning. He never changes....He is the same this very moment, and will be the same thirty years from now when I am fifty (almost fifty-one) years old.
I am trying as hard as ever to faithfully trust Christ and His promises, to take one day at a time, and let tomorrow worry about itself. Christ has never let me down, and I don't think He will start doing it anytime soon!

Spending time with my Family
Running on the beach
Meeting Alyssa Welch
The Gulf
Snoopy's and Scoopies
Remedy Drive and Shawn McDonald
Food Network and TCM
Thai Cuisine


1 comment:

HR said...

Loved your post, Lid! And loved seeing the vacation throug your eyes ;)