Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Keepin' it Real

Time to get my booty in gear and update!
It seems like work, church volunteering, marathon training and trip planning have consumed my life for quite awhile.

I spent Easter at the parent's house. The little scared piglet is Ruby. She believes that with each click of the camera it steals a little bit of her soul.
This explains why she looks so downcast.

This is my favorite shirt of the month. I should start a club.

I got new teeth....sorta...

My dentist had been hounding me for a couple years to get this procedure done. It honestly didn't bother me how my teeth looked, but I think it pained my dentist so I did it for his sake :) And, well, Obama might not let me do it next year, so I better do it why I can!

The big race was this last Sunday. Dad and I did really good. We came in at 4 hours and 57 minutes; 3 minutes under our goal. Our next race is a small 10k in Colorado this June. But I am very, very excited about it!

I loathe to show this picture, but I have too, because this post  wouldn't be complete without it.
Please. Don't hate me because I look so fantastic! Foshizzle!

Tomorrow I leave for Israel.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Be Still

My reminder to live in the moment and just be.
Even with it a little blown out, this picture reminds me of the sun shining through my window on a relaxing, Saturday morning.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I Remember Mama

When you get my mom and her five other siblings together, it is inevitable that 'Mama Stories' will be told. She was an amazing wife to a naval fighter pilot during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and an amazing mother to seven children.

She radiated old Hollywood glamour with her poise and Grace Kelley curls, being a certified nurse she was competent and rational. She lived through very happy and very hard times. Grandama Jane comes to life for me whenever my Mom talks about her with her sisters. These stories usually start with, “You remember when Mama...." Grandma Jane was a marvelous cook. Throughout Papa’s naval career she would randomly rendezvous with him around the world. While on these globe-trotting trips she would pick up recipes from Japan, Spain, Italy and other places. After she got home she would adapt these recipes to her family's life-style. Many of these recipes are still used by my mom and aunts.

Last month I was suprised with Grandma Jane's 1960s Kitchen Aid mixer. It is in mint condition and works like new. I couldn't be more happy. To be able to use the same mixer that Grandma used to make her bread, cakes and other yummy foods makes my heart feel fuzzy and warm.

The christening of Mama's Mixer:
