We went to a concert on Friday night. Heard 3 wonderful artists. Had a little issues with our seats...but I won't go into that. It always seems something of that nature happens to us and then we end up sitting next to weird people.
I am not gritting my teeth in the above pic...I promise. And I only turned around and glared at the talkative couple once (okay, twice)....but I couldn't help it. Gabby couples, hick-billies and children are all in the same category to me....well, not in normal life, but at concerts, in restaurants and at weddings they are. They are annoying. Okay, I like children. The well-behaved kind.
But in all seriousness, we really did have a good time!

"And Mary said, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded the lowly state of his maidservant....." Luke 1:46-48
I have been meditating on these verses for about two weeks.
I want to have the spirit of Mary. Just a little while before she sang this song to the Lord, this single girl of around 13 years was told that she would be the mother of the Savior of the world.
I am sure she saw her dreams of being married to Joseph come crashing down.
I am sure she thought of what her family would say to her; how the neighbors would gossip.
I am sure she thought of being labeled a whore for the rest of her life.
But instead, this girl of 13 praised Christ for blessing her.
For choosing her.
Whatever doubts and fears she had, they could not compare to her joy that she had in her Lord. That is where she found her freedom. God chose Mary because she had faith like a trusting child. Mary knew her Father would take care of the 'little details' in her life.
I so want to be like Mary. Even-keeled and not given to emotion.
I want to be constant in Christ.
'In whatever state I am in,' I want to praise God.
I want to bless Christ with my spirit. With my attitude. With my outlook on life.